The Verona Public Library is a municipal library located in Essex County, NJ. The social media platforms and accounts used by the Verona Public Library are intended to assist in fulfilling our mission of promoting literacy, advancing knowledge, and enhancing the quality of life for the community.
Social media is broadly defined here as any web application, site, or account created and maintained by the library, which allows users to share information. The content of our social media will be created by the Library Director and/or assigned members of the Verona Public Library staff. The content will be related to library programming, library-related materials, events, photos, or special topics that the library is discussing or promoting.
General Policy
The Verona Public Library does not collect, maintain, or use personal information stored on any social media site in any way other than to communicate with users on any given social media site.
Comments and posts made by the public on Verona Public Library social media sites are allowed, but will be reviewed by the Library Director and/or assigned members of the Verona Public Library staff for content appropriateness. The Verona Public Library reserves the right to review all comments and posts and delete material and/or block users if comments or posts fall within any of the following categories:
• Harassment of any kind towards the Verona Public Library, library staff, or against other
social media users
• Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of race, color, marital status, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, or faith; and any slanderous, libelous, threatening or defamatory statements
• Advertisements or sale of merchandise or services
• Copyrighted or trademarked material
• Personal information of another person without appropriate consent or authority
Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained, including the time, date and identity of the poster when available.
The Verona Public Library is not responsible for personal information patrons post about themselves on any social media platforms.
The Verona Public Library’s official social media accounts may follow any of the following organizations: other public or academic libraries, special libraries, librarians, publishers, bookstores, authors, local news sources, local government, local government officials, other government agencies, local businesses, or any other accounts as approved by the Library Director.
All new social media tools proposed for the Verona Public Library use will be approved by the Library Director. The Library Director and/or assigned members of the Verona Public Library staff will monitor social media sites during normal library operating hours and will update platforms regularly.
By choosing to comment and/or utilize the above sites, users of Verona Public Library’s social media sites agree to these rules.